Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rainey Day


Battle Rap Meadia through an event called "Hell Up In Harlem". There were two female battles that took place that night , the headliner was Tori Doe vs Krissy Yamagucci and our headliner today @ Battlerapics Persia Vs Boss Chick Raine. When I heard that Persia was going to be battling I was really excited to see this.I was excited because when I thought of her being a battle rapper I felt that she would adjust to this very well. Persia already has a battle rap persona when she spits so I wanted to see her project that rawness and grittiness onto someone.Now I've always like Boss Chick Raine, she battle raps with that same type of aggression and rawness so her going against Persia I felt should unfold into something to remember.Lets get into it.
Round 1 Persia went first and you can see that she was trying to find herself and her flow. But as she progressed in the round she started gaining confidence and respect from the crowd especially after spitting this Quotable bar:"What the F is a little rain is suppose to do to me , B I just survived Sandy"
The crowd went crazy and with that bar Persia soldified herself in this battle.
Raine went next and was really bringing it.She had some dope bars and was getting alot of crowd response.
She was doing exactly what she suppose to do as a vet.
Quotable bar: "No doubt no uncertainty,I mean personally I'm not feeling Persia B, What you blood I can't judge, If you think of hurtin me I hold court in the street leave you lying where you stand and call that persury."
 Nice Raine! Now Raine was dope in this round but she started losing her flow and you can tell she almost forgot her bars a little bit towards the end.Now even though Persia wasn't as polished as Raine Persia bars stood out more and she didnt show any signs of stumbling.

Now round 2 you can tell Persia started getting full confidence because she stepped her performance up a little bit.Everything she was doing performance wise was expected because this was her first battle.
What kept Persia alive in this battle and this round was her cadence.Persia shows you she's tough and it pours out in her rhymes, she has a dope flow and she spits dangerously.
Quotable bar:"You be talking that bang bang S but you just another imposter, I get visits from the souls of the lives I stole don't make me add you to that roster."
good one Persia.
Now Raine went next and this is when the battle for her started to go down hill.
The funny thing is she had dope bars in this round but she choked and stumbled something crazy and I mean crazy. I did like this Quotable bar: "Since she likes to add her two cents I'mma make her pay, While I leave this white B cookin on cam like Rachel Ray"
Raine had a couple more quotables but all that choking and stumbling ruined it for her.

Now round 3 this was the worse round I've ever seen Raine do. Raine choked badly and stunbled through the whole round , plus when she got herself together her rhymes were extremely mediocre.  Persia stuck the fork in Raine. It was a blood bath.
Persia stepped everything up in this round she got more agressive , her bars connected more and she was just all around vicious. Quotable bar:"I got dat powder dope flow you a low grade molly, I could have stood here for 3 rounds in complete silence and still caught this body".
then she finished her round like this Quotable bar: "You got murdered by a B that don't battle that's tragic , since you done battlin cause you all F'd up and hit ,that F outta here you be screaming is now my S."

The crowd went bonkers!
That was the nail in the coffin.
All in all I'm going to say Raine just had a bad night because she's not wack and I gots respect for her as a battle rapper.She just has to come better prepared and more focus next time. Props to Raine though for  going on and not giving up when the going got rough (salute). As for Persia I was very impressed with her for this being her first battle. If Persia polishes up her delivery and presence and grab full control of this battle rap scene she is going to be 
A PROBLEM for yall female battle rappers, mark my words.

Watch Battle Here

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