Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bars B

It was Do OR Die over at Queen Of The Ring, my man Debo gave us something we all wanted to see 40 Barrs VS Bonnie Godiva. Boston Vs Yonkers both these pretty talented females have been busy lately so both their swords should be sharp going into this battle. 
Round 1 Ms Barrs herself went first and I don't think that was a good look for Bonnie because 40 came out the gate like the tazmanian devil, serving Bonnie with her favorite dish, and that's bars bars bars Quotable bar: "Didn't you used to be chunky B why you always making fat jokes, cause you jumped in uendo like a fiend buggin for crack smoke/ I eat, yall can see how by the way my lil a** poke that 40 ham with that hawk like southern cookin black folks."
I had to use my man Jayblac face for that one, sheesh 40 hit hard with that.No matter what win or lose 40 is going to give you that heat. Bonnie was next up to bring her side of the story, she was nice but fell short of taking this round but she did have this nice Quotable bar: "I go up in her with a big a** ice pick watch her open up when I stick it in tight slice it, leave 40 trying to hold herself together like a midlife crisis."
Dope but 40 just over shadowed Bonnie with her aggression, presence and bars.
ROUND 1 40 B.A.R.R.S

Round 2 was no different 40 picked up where she left off and was controlling the crowd along with controlling Bonnie. 40 was laying it on thick and showing Bonnie you got a long night ahead of you because I ain't letting up Quotable bar:"Those threats b**** I mean those I'm @ it how a tweet goes bullets like my footage so my stand I see those, two quarters like a peep show hittem in those cheap clothes type to go in Rainbows wanting hangers like I keep those."
Killed her with them flow on bars.Plus in this round 40 was all over INUENDO like a cheap suit.
Now the first lady from Inuendo still came with it with some real cold schemes about 40 being a bad parent Quotable bar:" How are you a good example for ya daughter if the last test you ever passed is when you peed on a stick."

Bonnie's schemes were tight but not tight enough to bring down Ms. Boston.
ROUND 2 40 B.A.R.R.S

Round 3 was where she stuck a fork in Bonnie.40 stuck to her guns and popped off like it was forth of July. This battle was the best I've seen 40 she didn't let up on bringing the bars and she showed us that Bonnie can't hang with her bar for bar.Truly Bonnie had some heat here in there but I think she lack feeling and presence, because it look like she was rehearsing.
All in all this was a dope battle with mad replay value, I enjoyed this battle and you can say 
Queen Of The Ring has something to be proud of.
ROUND 3 40 B.A.R.R.S

40 B.A.R.R.S 3-0
Watch Battle Here


  1. Great review and dope pic!! Big fan im always check for u..u

  2. 40 BARRS 3-0. Bodybag bonnie. Bonnie needs to STOP trying to be like math hoffa and other battlers. In this battle she used bars from serious jones ( anonymous/ a-9-a-miss line); hitman holla (that kaboom action from #nome). Bonnie just came to out perform 40 instead she over performed and made herself look BAD...most of her stuff were not hitting.

    1. Very true. She was doing some real dumb antics that had her looking corny. That Jackson spin, that backwards dunk move...it was just awkward . 40 pummeled her
