Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Apple Sauce

Ms Hustle Vs Jaz The Rapper
Summer Madness 3 had a beautiful add on to the card that most battle rap fans were anxious to see. The URL presents to you Ms Hustle Vs Jaz The Rapper . Most of the time great looking battles don't always pan out to be great battles but this battle met us all in between.
Jaz's last battle against QB to me was a classic because both women came with their A game but this battle I think kats came with their B game.Not that they weren't coming with it, I just expected more but who am I right.
First round was the high light of the whole battle and our wonder girl Jaz the Rapper went first and she was in rare form. Jaz's approach in this battle was different and not what most Jaz fans were expecting. Her beginning school scheme was nice Quotable bar:"I'm put my education first and I finally graduated so I'm out of school B's, but I'm feeling like S aint change cause its September and I'm back to school B's

NICE!! Now Jaz had dope bars and schemes in this round but she was lacking presence and performance heavy. Now Hustle went next and I heard she choked a little but was edited out but Hustle came wit the full package to me she had aggression, performance and bars 
Quotable bar: "Class in session let me ask you a question you said wit da books you nice Well my essays computer apple mac that's that student life,Nah I said my esse's will come put an apple on his mac thats that student's life.

" Even though Jaz had a fire round I edged it to Hustle because she was just more exciting to me.
Round 1 Ms Hustle

Round 2 Jaz had more filler than five Arsonal battles, she was cool but she was boring and was talking instead of spittin hot bars. It was more drawn out schemes with vague punches. I was a lil disappointed in Jaz in this round because she just didn't give me what I came to see from her. Hustle wasn't really any different from her first she stuck to the formula and that is aggression, dope bars , and performance Quotable bar: That blade tuck cause Magenta Jazmin thinking that she ballin so you MJ ok that only means my hands might go on your Jaw Den. (JORDAN) -

Round 2 Ms Hustle

Round 3 was all Jaz the Rapper, even though she was all personal her shemes and punches hit hard and it was effective because Hustle was studdering and pausing a lot.Huslte had performance and aggression but her bars weren't hittin hard like her previous two rounds. Jaz was on some talk to you instead of killing her with crazy bars she edged it though 
Quotable bar: "When you lie about who I F'ed  that won't fly with me- Suge , Ars and Daylyt hit that means you let all the grapes smash so you should put a cork in it ya P is a winery."

 Round 3 Jaz The Rapper
This battle was ok,  I really thought Jaz was going to kill Hustle epicly and I even tweeted that smh.I was so impressed with Jaz's performance against QB and I thought she was going to pick up where she left off.I feel that Jaz took an angle that didn't hit and it showed clearly. Hustle was consistent and she came to fight and Jaz came to talk.

Ms Hustle 2-1
Watch Battle Here


  1. Joey 9 aka @_j_ninaveliOctober 23, 2013 at 11:56 AM

    Pretty accurate review. Hustles presence over shadowed Jaz's a lot during the battle. if she choked tho they should've left it because that's always a trick card in a battle, you choke bad you lose the round unless the other rapper is just ass or chokes too. either way I wasn't disappointed in the battle its a classic imo

  2. Do bonnie vs 40!! 40 smoked bons
