Sunday, August 4, 2013

Super Villains


        Arsonal Vs AyeVerb
Smack/ URL and Word War brought us one dope battle. Arsonal VS Aye Verb lived up to everything it was suppose to be.Most time we get presented with battles that we all know should be great or a classic and we get disappointed, not with this battle.These are two of the most hated battle rappers on the planet. When I say "hated", I dont mean emotional hate but the spot light stay on these two and their resumes are tuff.This battle was like watching two super villains go at it. It was like Lex Luther Vs King Pin, The Green Goblin Vs The Joker, Sandman vs Venom and the list can go on. This match was definitely Summer Madness 3 worthy.I'm not going to quote bar for bar from each of these emcees but I will critque each of there performance overall.
Round 1 Aye Verb won the coin toss so Arsonal The Rebel went first. Ars came out giving it to Aye Verb bar for bar and you can see how Ars stepped it up. Props to Ars by being already on top of his game take it to another level. He was throwing punches after punches and you can see where he polished things up. I dont know if that was a fake choke or a real choke but it dampered his direction but it didn't take away from his round as a whole. 
Aye Verb went next and just started spazzin executing his bars like he craft them with a chizzle. Then he presented his flow like it was coming off a conveyor belt.I really thought he was gonna fall short of Ars because Ars was so nice,  but I was dead wrong.They both had crazy dope bars and equal aggression Verbs punches just hit harder.One of the best rounds of Verbs career and with that being said edged this round for him.
ROUND 1 Aye Verb
Round 2 Ars pulled out the personal card and jabbed Verb up good about him and Hitman Holla's  friendship. You can't take nothing away from Ars when he's hot, if you let him get his rythm he's explosive with the bars.
Quotable bar : "Ars if you don't kill me I'll expose-em, Now you betta not lie B now show me everything you showed-em, I was gonna clip her but I put the 7 in her back that I owed-em.(Odom) and Hitman was the first on the crime scene pickin up empty shell cases trying to reload-em ."

                       Ars ran him over with that one.

Now Ars was throwing haymakers and landing them but Verb came out and went Ham and cheese sandwich with a pickle on the side and some BBQ chips. Verb's flow sealed him this round easily, and with dope bars to go with it made a marriage in heaven.He was killin him and you can see it in Ars face.

Quotable bar: "Bazooka, with shells the same size of a tumor, I tool up and be behind n****s backs like a rumor."
NICE!! another Quotable : "Two bad guys this is Jason Vs Jigsaw , a n**** that be like yea baby I buy you what ever you want" Vs a B Naw."

Verb owned this round.

ROUND Aye Verb

Round 3 Ars toar into Verb, Verb was cool but wasn't effective because he came with that him Vs Hitman 3rd round trying to son Ars. It was dope but wasn't enough for what Ars was bringing. Arsonal was solid in this round and landed haymakers and punches. If Verb would have brought straight bars this round this 3rd would have probably been debatable.

 ROUND 3 Arsonal

This was a battle with heavy replay value. These two titans came to clash and put on a phenomenal battle. This battle was still debatable and I wouldn't argue if someone gave it to Arsonal because he was still that good.This was a classic and both these men brought their A game and truthfully thats all we can ask for. I just felt Mr. VonDoom was more profound and did not come to lose.


Watch Battle Here

1 comment:

  1. this was well said. can you also post your thoughts on the Official vs. K-Prophet battle.
