Friday, July 5, 2013

Tie Breaker

                             Hollow Da Don Vs Tsunami Surf
On July 4th our battle rap father SMACK dropped the first battle off the URL N.O.M.E 3 event.
That battle was Hollow Da Da Don Vs Tsunami Surf. It was the return of Hollow as we all know and Surf had a chance to take out URL's boy wonder.This was the main event of the main events that night and I believe both contenders brought some heat. I'm not going to review this battle round by round like I normally do, I'm just going to present the facts of the battle and call it the day.
Surf came out in the first round after Hollow went and killed it. Surf's rebuttal, punches and schemes were totally on point and he took that first round clearly. Third round Hollow became that Hollow we all growned to love. Hollow was all over Surf and was giving it to him good, Hollow took that third round clearly. Now I skipped the second till now for a reason and that reason is why this battle is so debatable. All social networks is calling this battle either way and I have to agree.If someone says Surf beat I respect that and if someone says that Hollow beat I respect that also. They both were mediocre in the second but had some cool bars here and there to still make it interesting.This battle has much replay value and I believe it will reach a million views fast not because it was so good (which it was) but kats are going to be replaying that second round so they can give a true decision. I've did it myself and I have to say Hollow edged it slightly.
So all in all I'm calling it Hollow 2-1 but Surf was crazy and Surf has secured a position in my top five, funny Hollow is not in my top five.Who knows a week from now I might change my mind and say Surf 2-1 cause I will be still scrutinizing that 2nd round.
It is what it is and a battle like this does battle rap some good.
Notibably it shows that some of our expectations of our seasoned battle rappers will surprise us.
As for Hollow Vs Loaded Lux , nah Hollow didn't show me that he's ready for "That Work."
Hollow 2-1
Watch Battle Here-->


  1. lol NOT! surf 2-1

  2. Lol always someone with a different opinion. No judging means they both won they both got paid. 2-1 Hollow

  3. Hollow 3-0 surf s best try tho other than con surgs bars are neat overhyped at timez tho

  4. no suf got this one.
