Monday, May 6, 2013

So Debatable


Arsonal Vs DNA
                                  Everything in its time, and when these two emcees came to the center of the ring and face off everything that happen was suppose to happen. The great bars, the great deliveries, the great word play and even the disrespect. This battle was a clash of the Titans, respect to DON'T FLOP for making this happen, it was a battle that should have been happened but like I said everything in its time.When I saw the flyer for this battle I was geeking in excitement because when two emcees that ly  in many peoples top 5 you know its gonna be war.Lets get into it.

First round was explosive. DNA came out focused and ready to show that he was ahead of Arsonal. DNA basically spit about everything Arsonal was going to say.It was classic DNA at its best but even though he exposed Arsonal for what he was going to say and was on point, Arsonal was outstanding and damaging. Arsonal straight ripped DNA's head off in this first round and was totally disrespectful to boot. Arsonal had no soul in this round because if you can talk about a mans dead father and retarded mother and show that you don't care at all you on some next. Arsonal had the crowd eating out the palm of his hands in this round. Quotable bar:" Ya mommy and sister at the dinner table mourning for him, loving him ,you go in there to comfort them, you kissing them, hugging them / I bust through the door and yell HOOOOOOOOOOO with nothing except boots and draws on, and givem long wood, I Hacksaw Jim Duggan num"..

SMH sheesh!!

The crowd went crazy!! DNA was cool this round but couldn't stack up to Arsonal's fire.

Round 1 Arsonal

Round 2 DNA came back with a vengeance,  his bars were more effective and hit harder this round than his first. After Arsonal's first round DNA knew he had to step it up and he did.

Quotable bar: "Now lets talk about weapons cause your shotgun got sugar in it/ So we know you aint poppin $#%!/ I bet this Man Chester drop once my shotty spit" NICE!!

DNA had some fire this round and he totally edged Ars.

                                 Round 2 DNA

Ha Ha round three was a doozy, and the only debatable round in my opinion in this battle.

First off DNA through on a dreaded wig on (Which is a reflection of this comic) and he started imitating Ars, it was hilarious! Then he started getting personal with Arsonal and exposing him about some things he's done. DNA was solid this round and went back to his corner confident and ready to hear what Ars had to say. Ars spit a little longer than DNA and he had some nice bars and was crazy agressive. This round can go either way, if you say DNA won this round I'll understand, if you say Arsonal won this round I'll understand. Now I've watched this round over and over to get a feel of who I think edged it. I say edged it because at my first watch I gave it to DNA my second watch I gave it to Arsonal, and my final decision is I believe Arsonal edged it. Because to me it came down to bars over personals they both were good I just think Ars edged him. Don't crucify me for my decision cause I really analyzed this round and if you disagree I respect that but go and watch the third round over a few times than give your decision.

All in All this was a GREAT  battle with a lot of replay value. This is that battle that will always be argued about and i will be crucified about lol, but it is what it is. I take my hat off to both these battlers for giving there all and giving us something to talk about from years to come.

                         Round 3 Arsonal

                                                Arsonal 2-1

                                          Watch Battle Here

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