Tuesday, May 7, 2013



Shotgun Suge Vs Bill Collector
Oh boy where do I start? These two battlers have been going at it blogging with beef for some time now, I'm surprise this battle hasn't happened sooner.In one corner you got the big bully Shotgun Suge Jersey's menace to society. Suge is one of those bols if you seen him on the corner while you walking to the store you cross to the other side LMBO. I mean look at him, check his demeanor he's a street nigg in his own and I don't see him changing for nobody, you gotta lovem' or hate him. Now in the other corner you got PA's finest Bill Collector. At first glance nothing to run from, regular frame dude but what has so many people puzzled is his heart and his mouth gets him into everything, and again you gotta lovem or hate him.That being said about these gems of society lets get into this HEATED battle.
From the door Suge just totally disrespected SMACK and called him illuminati (DAG) and right after he dissed SMACK he choked. Yea he choked but the crowd gave him a minute to get his self together then he stepped all up in Bill's face shoving him tapping his pockets I mean total DISREPECT and BULLYISM , bwahahahahahahaha I loved it!! 
I was like  
It's about to get real ugly up in here. Suge was bullying Bill like that bol Butch Magnus from the Boondocks. It was like we was all at recess in the 4th grade watching the Big guy take the smaller guy candy, HILARIOUS.Other than that Suge was in rare form with the bars. Quotable bar:
"I'm on his block chopper down I got the Juice to Move The Crowd You Paid In Full you bringing that gwop in I Aint No Joke I pop ten find out where Eric B and Rakim"
Suge killed him with that and the crowd went CRAZY!!
Now Bill stepped up and got crazy animated on Suge bringing some nice bars and classic Bill Collector animation, only one thing I wasn't feeling and that was Suge got upset when Bill touched him and Suge had his body and his hands all over Bill in this round. Well I guess it is what it is but I gave this round to Suge no debating.
Round 1 Shotgun Suge

Round 2 Suge was a beast again but he calm down on the extra bully stuff and brought some dope schemes and wordplay and was killing Bill again. I gots to say this was the best I've ever seen Suge. Suge was confident and his bars were just simply DOPE.Bill had some fire but his flames couldn't over power what Suge had in this round.
ROUND 2 Shotgun Suge

Round 3 Bill pulled the big guns out and started spazzing on Suge. If Bill would have came as crazy as he was in this round like the other 2 it would have been a different battle. First off Suge slowed down a little momentum wise and he stop his round a little short but he was cool. Bill was coming with some heat and he was cartooning all over Suge in this round. Quotable bar: 
"Do what they pay me to do, my name jumping out the gym now that's hanus  to who/ Bill Collector on job Suge aint the truth, got knocked out woke up more famous than you".
The way he delivered it even Suge smiled , shook his hand and gave him props.
ROUND 3 Bill Collector

I just don't understand how people were saying Suge 3-0ed Bill and that was soooooo not the case.This battle was filled with pushing and shoving and disruptions, and disrespect and down right niggertry.
But with all that craziness that happen and what these two did and said to each other in this battle and before they battled these two hugged and showed mad love for one another when it was over,
that put a smile on my face. And it showed that battle rap is for the streets and the world, a place where emcees can settle their differences and go home still alive.
Shout out to all the battle rap leagues, especially the URL for taking battle rap to another level to be respected and loved by many.

Shotgun Suge 2-1
Watch battle Here

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