Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tricks Are For Kids


 Charlie Clips Vs B Magic
The URL always put together the best match-ups, and Charlie Clips Vs B Magic was a match up that gave everyone wide eyes.This was one battle that we all did not expect to happen. Charlie Clips considered one of the best to do it, one who has battled some of the best battle rappers on the planet and has been victorious  in all his battles but some may debate that.B Magic considered one of the best punchline heavy battle rappers of our time but not looked at as a so called top tier battle rapper. Putting these two together had us all on the edge of our seats anticipating the outcome, now lets get into who was victorious in this phenomenal match-up.
First round Clips went first as he always does, this was actually his best round receiving "Don Demarcos" left and right and horns going off after every other bar.
Clips was focused and in his bag this round.
B Magic was poised and was throwing punches as he usually does, we all know B Magic is coming for ya throat with a non stop flow filled with similes and metaphors.
Clips first rounds are always hittin and B Magic was fierce this round also.This round was hard to call but I'm going to say Clips edged it,  B Magic fizzled out a little towards the end of this round to me.
Round 1 Charlie Clips

Round 2 B Magic showed his behind like he usually does , knocking Clips over his head with punch after punch branding the stage and showing us all that he's a contender for anyone.
Clips did his thing in this round and his bars were hittin', I just felt B Magic edged him and had more to say.
ROUND 2 B Magic

Round 3 Clips surprised us all and actually had some dope written bars to spit.Clips angle was nice coming at B Magic about why we shouldn't feel him because his bars sometimes don't make sense or has false meaning. Clips bars were really hittin good , but he should have just stopped after the written was done because the extra freestyling towards the end took away from the whole beginning verse. B Magic took off where he left off throwing punch after punch after punch and landing them nicely. B Magic took this round clearly. You can't be mediocre in the ring with B Magic because one slip up battling him will cost you that round or maybe the battle.
Round 3 B Magic
B Magic 2-1

Watch Battle Here

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