Friday, July 12, 2013

Bat Vision

Daylyt Vs Manaz Ill 
O My God where do I start with this one. 1OUTS battle rap league really turned it up when they put this together, Daylyt Vs Manaz. In one corner you got a battle rapper that feeds off of hilarious antics and really don't care where he goes with it or say out his mouth, and in the other corner you got a blind guy that sounds like Stewart from "The Family Guy". 
With that being said lets jump into this.
Now Day went first, dressed in a full Batman costume and he did what you would expect him to do, yes have  blind jokes. You would think he wouldn't touch that because Manaz is blind and thats why we love Daylyt , because he don't care!
Quotable blind joke bar: "I'm just a master plan master plan with a master plan and a merkish plot, a simple game of hide and seek and I think I got the perfect spot." 
Then he goes and stands right next to Manaz.
Manaz goes next and bust out with a dope Batman rebuttal 
"Came dressed up I heard its Doomsday come here with a costume on thats too lame cause i'm gonna hit you with a Bat - man so hard its gonna bruise wayne (Bruce Wayne). 
Nice Manaz.
They both had some cool bars or may I say jokes but I gave this round to Daylyt cause those blind jokes were insane.
Round 1 Daylyt

Round two was no different from round one out of Daylyts mouth, he came to the battle with a plan and that was to tell as many blind jokes as he can.
Quotable blind joke bar: "I told you, you better back out now like a bad spine, F Ray Charles, 
F Stevie Wonder its spazz time, F Blind Fury F Nick Fury cause he half blind."
 Daylyt has no limits on the disrespect LMBO!! Manaz had a dope rebuttal when he came in and then he punched Day with this nice Quotable bar:
"You are a D sucker I'll never be a Crip brother of course I was told about your F'n tatt I got eyes everywhere like Big Brother"
Ha Ha get dat n***a Manaz!! Manaz was cool in this round but day edged it on performance alone, and those blind jokes were just too much again.

Round 2 Daylyt

Round 3 Daylyt just kept it coming with the blind jokes, I mean it was like he was on Def Comedy Jam. Quotable blind joke bar: "I guess when you have sex with ya girl you don't "see" her comin,I guess when they say look up a shooting star I guess you don't see the comet, I guess when they say somebody talking about you on Youtube I guess you don't "see" the comment."
 This bol just would not stop.

Now  Manaz pulled an audible and got all concious on us and spanked Daylyt about being gangsta. He even stepped up his bland delivery for a moment.
Quotable bar:" How the F you expect ya son to respect you as a man and your grown When you can't win a fist fight and you resort to bangin the chrome In Australia there aren't manty gangs that annoyed mainly cause we aren't P****'s and we perfer to stand on our own"
Crowd went beserk! Manaz earned this 3rd round because he actually put some life into the bars. I like Manaz but he needs to step his delivery up if he wants to survive in this game.
This was a very entertaining battle, and I think thats what 1 OUTS was really aiming for with this match up. This battle actually has replay value because if you want to be entertained and laugh your butt off  then this battle is Kevin Hart meets Richard Pryor.
To The Bat Moble!!!
Round 3 Manaz ILL
Daylyt 2-1

Watch Battle Here


  1. Haha! Good work man, keep it up. The artwork is amazing and the musings are hilarious

  2. Every Aussie fan has heard those blind jokes a million times over, it's nothing new... and it's boring as hell. You're saying Daylyt is a good entertainer but his delivery was crap as. Wow! he can wear a costume and pull funny faces and stuff... seriously? I didn't realise that it was all about being funny and not about skill. At least Manaz has some flow behind his bars.
