Sunday, May 4, 2014



Battlerapics is back off a baby hiatus, The artist block is over and the juices are flowing 
so Lets Go!!
Wow Queen of the Ring really made my job hard this time. Not only that this was one of the most greatest, DEBATABLE battles of our time, these two ladies are two of Battlerapics favs so coming up with a winner was not easy. On one side you got the baby pit bull Official that's been ripping through the competition and calling out everybody with two boobs and a heartbeat. Then on the other side you got miss tell you like it is that aunt that will beat ya butt for doing nothing C3. Last time we seen this menace to society it wasn't good for her opponent we'll just leave it at that.
First round was a gem C3 stepped in front of the coin flip and began to dig into Official like she was in California during the gold rush. Never saw C so focused and polished. C3 has a way of whipping you off your feet during her whirlwind of lyrical assault.Her straight forward to your face angles makes you shake your head after every sentence 
Quotable bar:"First you had a Prophet but then you called Lexx and now you want C3 O, came in this ring today praying to see a 3-O and you really think you gonna get that over C3 tho we gonna see hoe I told Debo when I see O I'mma slam these bars on her like a CO."
Sheesh, C3 was in rare form setting the tone of the battle on high.
Official kept the momentum and the fire burning, her bars are already crazy tough but when Official tailors her performance to boot she looks like a panther ready to pounce her prey at will.
She gives wordplay another meaning every time she opens her mouth 
Quotable bar: "She can get Nick @ Night trying to be a Golden Girl I'll get this slump for free that tec Rose Anne everybody dies so please come for me I'll kill the Nanny and who ever think C sonning me come and knock on my door and we'll be waiting for whose ever in 3's Company."
Official is no stranger to dope schemes and excellent wordplay and the way she bodied 
Nu Nu Nellz in there was crazy smh.This was the hardest round to call but I'm going to edge this to C3. 
Round 1 C3

Top of the second and our wonder girl C3 has miss Official's frame in her scope like a Public Enemy logo. C3 kept the pressure on and kept the bars impactful with this dope Robert Denrio scheme
Quotable bars:"Aint no need to air O -  all I got to do is scare O she'll do a hand in the air pose to Rob her and take her dinero I didn't have to put no D E Near O."
Dopeness, wordplay mania C3 @ her best.
Bottom of the 2nd and Official comes to the plate and all I see is home run in her eyes and I don't think C3 has a glove big enough to catch this ball 
Quotable bar:"She'll get thrown down the shaft like Issac Hayes S**t - them bullets contagious they'll get everybody you play with, that choppa pick n****s up with no warning its a slave ship." 

That slave ship line right there was the coldest and that's how Official was bringing it this whole time consistently like that. 
This round was just a bridge to another fantastic joust by  both of these savages but I'm going to edge this round to Official.
Round 2 Official

This 3rd round is what broke the camels back.
C3 charged out the gate like the bulls logo she had on her hat. C3's freestyles and rebuttals always shows how well rounded and great of a femcee she is. C3 really went in on Official with dope bars and heavy personals. As of with Official laying it down thick this round and coming out the gate with a confidence like she already won. With that being said I edged this round to Official not taking anything away from C3 because she was beyond crazy.Official was bar heavy every round and she stood out to me in the all around overview.C3 showed everybody that she is an official top tier Queen Of The Ring soldier.Many didn't see my girl C holding her own against Official because this battle is 2-1 either way. These two put on a classic and as of now one of the best battles this year so far. Take a bow C3 and Official you guys are on everybody radar now.
Round 3 Official

Official 2-1
Watch Battle Here

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